
Criticized for expected the penultimate

Criticized for expected the penultimate day to attend, Nicolas Sarkozy has sacrificed Saturday "folklore" of the annual grand-messe French agriculture, highlighting a very popular among his predecessor Jacques Chirac exercise limits.
Perhaps because it foresaw it a home tendu at agriculture, the head of State had advanced its arrival at the last minute, starting the visit half an hour before the opening of the doors with a public then composed mainly of civilian police.
Allowed by the President of the FNSEA Jean-Michel Lemetayer, which still stated there is a week that "Nicolas Sarkozy has great difficulty with the peasant world", he travelled for two hours the aisles exhibition, lending an ear to farmers who have appealed it without animosity for him to share their difficulties.
"Young farmers must all change orientation?", asked a young operator after the presentation of Vaillant, a robust 1.210 kilos gasconne bred Bull.
"With a meat to three euros (kilo) Nicolas, how can do?", a farmer, asks that a mountain farmer says: "If you don't do anything for us, unfortunately it is condemned to disappear." "We do live in our cows"
Bovine National Federation President, Jean-Pierre Fleury apostrophe it on the environmental policy of the Government and its impact on agriculture.
"For (the Environment Minister Jean-Louis) Borloo." You do not sufficiently support your Minister (Bruno Agriculture) Le Maire. "Be the household in your Government", told this farmer of the Morvan.

